Asociația Girls who Code - Fete care codează

București, Sector 1

Taguri organizație
Organizația nu este înregistrată în Registrul entităților/unităților de cult. Ultima verificare: 2022-12-20
Nu a fost depus bilanțul pe anul trecut Ultima verificare: 2022-09-01
SustineBinele nu are informații privind Indicatorii de transparență.
Detalii generale

Girls Who Code Romania was founded out of pure passion for programming on the 15th of February 2014 by Monica Muntean.

Our mission is to bridge the gender gap in the Romanian IT Industry by growing the number of Romanian girls and women who will choose or switch to a programming related career.

We provide support to beginner and intermediate programmer girls and women in order to improve their coding skills through online and offline programs like workshops, online mentoring, conferences, presentations and meetups.

At the same time, we create opportunities for advanced girls and women in order to develop and perfect their programming skills through hackathons, advanced workshops and involvement as mentors in our programs.

Informaţiile furnizate de AITIS:

Asociația Independentă pentru Transparență în Inițiative Sociale - A.I.T.I.S
CIF 43647583 / Toate drepturile rezervate.

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